My Sister’s Fortress is a podcast to encourage young woman and help remind them who they are and whose they are.

Paige Anderson Paige Anderson

Welcome to My Sister’s Fortress

I have the AMAZING privilege of speaking with youth from all over the U.S. As I have gotten to know these amazing girls my hearts has gone out to them. I see their struggles, I hear their stories. I CARE so much. I want to create a community of love and support and this podcast is meant to do just that. This is meant to help remind girls that Jesus Christ is the answer and always will be. Join me to learn practical tips this generation can use to fully follow Jesus.

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Paige Anderson Paige Anderson

A question that can change your life.

The world we live in is VERY different than the world our parents grew up in. But there is hope found in Jesus! In this episode we talk about ONE question that can change your life. The Prophets wife, Sister Nelson said change your questions change your life, this question will change your life if you let it.

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Paige Anderson Paige Anderson

Satan’s greatest tool against you

Sister we are at WAR and it time we start living like we know this truth. But we need not fear! In this episode we talk about one tool satan uses against you again and again BUT as always there is hope found in Jesus Christ! So let’s get ready for battle.

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Paige Anderson Paige Anderson

Understanding your power

We have so m much power. Sister Sheri Dew said we as women live so far below our privileges and often do not understand our power. She even has an awesome book called God wants a powerful people. Yes my friends He wants you to be powerful and in this episode I will share some tips on how to step into that power!

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